Sunday, August 26, 2012

Maayong hapon!
So last week was super tough. One of our investigators died the day before she was going to be baptized:( She was sooo great and we were so sad. We had a baptism this past Saturday. Pamela is amaazzing. Shes 24 and has 4 children. Shes such a great mother and has such strong faith. I am doing much better with the langugae and I'm learning the Filipino humor. They like to ask me if I'm related to Antonio Banderas haha Its so sweet how everyone tries to speak English to me so that they can have a conversation with me. But I'm learning! I'm also learning how to cook Filipino food! yay! I made adobo and pakbet? It was sooo gooood! And I have officially mastered washing clothes by hand! Yessss! All in all, its great here! I'm learning a lot about patience because people here are sooo laid back and it drives me CRAZY! We met a family who has been inactive for a while and they let us in to their house! We are the first missionaries to be let into their home. Brother told us he was ready to come back to church! And he will be blessing his graddaughter this coming Sunday! yay!! It is soo cool how people are prepared to receive us. I love this mission:))


Monday, August 13, 2012

Sooo going on my fourth week here in the Philippines. It doesnt rain as much as I thought it would. Its sooooo hot. So walking out to some houses is tough because they live so far. But its great. A Sister we're teaching told me I'm getting fat. All I eat are crackers and water so I dont know what she is talking about! We had a baptism on the 4th, Adonis who is 11, Sandre Lex is 10, and Shane is 8. They are sooo great! It has been so much fun teaching them, they really understand the gospel. People are so nice. I tried this really gross fruit called "santol" and its soooo SOUR! BUt the middle seeds are prettty sweet. I eat mango like EVERYDAY, its so good. We got a new sister in our house and she can cook really well. So we're all very excited to go shopping for food. YAY real authentic Filipino food! I really am going to get fat. I taught a lesson in almost all Hiligaynon, the only words I had trouble with were words like "for" "if" and what not. But its getting easier. 

I'm loving my mission~ Its so hot and great!
Love from the Philippines

Sister Martinez

PS Sitll working on the pictures to post up soon:)